Tailored Radiochemistry Solutions

Solid Target Dissolution
Expansion Module

Enables the MultiSyn to be a complete system for both the closed-circuit dissolution of coin based solid targets (64Cu, 89Zr & 68Ga) and purification via a disposable cassette.

Filter Integrity Tester

Fully Automated Sterile Filter Tester for Radiopharmaceutical Quality Control

C-11 Pro2 radiosynthesizer



C-11 Pro2

Streamline and optimize the process of GMP C-11 tracer production from start to finish with one platform.




Research, development and fully automated production of complex multi-step compounds can now be realized with one synthesizer.


Easily add HPLC purification capabilities to a radiosynthesizers without HPLC.


Upgrade your cyclotron's liquid target distribution system to a reliable multi-stream system operated from an easy to use touch screen interface with full data logging to simplify GMP requirements.

4 to 10 Inputs

4 to 19 Outputs

Custom Automation

Have an idea without an solution?

We can bring your idea to life as iPHASE the following capabilities:

- Complete in house development
- CAD design modelling
- Prototyping
- Manufacturing
- Testing
- Software development

Ensuring all iPHASE solutions work seamlessly as everything is built in house with hardware and software developed in unison.

This also allows for fast turnaround time as we have all the expertise to go from idea to prototype in the shortest time possible.

Upcoming Events & Conferences

iPHASE Support

Local Engineers

We have engineers that can perform installations, maintenance, on site repairs & technical support anywhere.


We have engineers located in:

Australia / China

Germany / Poland

UK / Turkey

USA / Canada

Russia / Thailand


Spare parts & stock

We store consumable cassettes, reagents and spare parts in Australia, Germany, USA & Canada to ensure any shipments are delivered in the fastest possible time.

Remote diagnostics

Remote diagnostics are built into every system we make. This enables our experienced engineers to diagnose, test and guide the user to the quickest solution to an issue should it arise.
